bidwey is collective network purchasing system. That means through a network of people you can purchase an item. Think of it as crowd sourcing for shopping. This thrilling new way of purchasing gives you the opportunity to purchase items that may otherwise be out of your reach or not within your budget. You can actually purchase any item for as low as one dollar.
bidwey has all kind of items to choose from and they are all brand new shipped right to you. Items like cars, trucks, gaming systems, atvs, snowmobiles, watercraft, motorcycles, appliances, vacation packages, gift cards, and much much more.
That’s not it, bidwey has a few great promotional marketing programs that pay you to promote our site. Whether you casually invite friends or act as a full blown sales person with paid commissions or broker a deal to a supplier. We make it easy for you. Taking advantage of those programs you will be actually bidding on the items basically for free.
So what are you waiting for? Come join the fun. This is nothing like anything seen before.